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Showing posts from April, 2019

Waiting for Godot

1) what connection do you see in the setting ( "A country road. A tree  Evening") The title of the painting" longing ". The Setting of the play is inspired by two paintings of Caspar David Frederich. In this painting we can find two scenes. One is sunrise and one is sunset. The title is longing and longing means deep desire for something. And waiting is also connected with longing. And in this painting we can see two persons towards sunrise and sunset. And it stands for bright hope and despaire. We can find this similar themes in the play. Q. 2 The tree is the only important 'thing' in the setting. What is the importance of tree in both acts? Why does Beckett grow a few leaves in Act 2 on the barren tree- The tree has four or five leaves? The tree generally represents the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. In this play, tree is stands as a symbol of hope. Vladimir and  Estragon contemplate hanging themselves from the tree is li

Cultural Studies Paper 08

New Historicism Name :-   Patel Krishna K. Roll No. :- 16 Semester :- 02 Batch:- 2018 – 2020 Enrolment no. :- 2069108420190035 Email id :- Course :- M.A. English Paper No. :- 08 Cultural Studies Topic :- New Historicism Submitted to :- Smt. S. B. Gardi Department of English MKBU                                                                           New Historicism:- New Historicism, since the early 1980s has been the accepted name for a mode of literary study that its proponents oppose to the formalism they attribute both to the New criticism and to the critical deconstruction that followed it. In place of dealing with a text in isolation from its historical context, new historicists attend primarily to the historical and cultural conditions of its production, its meaning, its effects, and also of its later critical interpretations and evaluations. This is not simply a return to an earlier kind of literary scholarship,

Literary Criticism paper : 07

POSTSRTUCTURALISM Name : Patel Krishna K. Roll No. :- 16 Batch :- 2018 – 2020 Enrolment No. :- 2069108420190035 Email Id. :- Course :- M.A. English Paper No. :- 07 Literary Theory and Criticism 2       (20 th Century Western and Indian Poetics) Topic :- Poststructuralism Submitted to :- Smt. S. B. Gardi Department of English MKBU Poststructuralism:-        Poststructuralism designated a broad variety of critical perspective and procedures that in the 1970s displace structuralism from its prominence as the radically innovative way of dealing with language and other signifying systems. A conspicuous announcement to American Scholars of the Poststructural point of view was Jacques Derrida’s paper on “structure , sign, and play in the discourse of the Human Science,” delivered in 1966 to an International Colloquium at Johns Hopkins University. Derrida attacked the systematic, quasi – scientific pretensions of the strict form of st

Characteristics of the Victorian period paper - 06

The Novelist of The Victorian Age Name: Patel Krishna K. Roll No. :- 16 Semester :- 02 Batch :- 2018 – 2020 Enrolment No. :- 2069108420190035 Email Id :- Course :- M.A. English Paper No. :- 06 The Victorian Literature Topic :- The Novelist of The Victorian Age Submitted to :- Smt. S. B. Gardi Department of English MKBU Introduction:- When Victoria became queen in 1837, English literature seemed to have entered upon a period of lean years, in marked contrast with the poetic fruitfulness of the romantic age which we have just studied. Coleridge, Shelley, Keats, Byron, and Scott had passed away, and it seemed as if there were no writers in England to fill their places.  Wordsworth had written in, 1835,    Like clouds that rake the mountain summits,          Or waves that own no curbing hand, How fast has brother followed brother,          From sunshine to the sunless land! In these lines is reflected the sorrowful spirit of a literary man o

Characteristics of Romantic Literature paper-05

Characteristics of Romantic Age Name: Patel Krishna K. Roll No. : 16 Semester:- 02 Batch:- 2018 – 2020 Enrolment no. :- 2069108420190035 Email Id :- Course :- M.A. English Paper No. :- 05 The Romantic Literature Topic :- Characteristics of Romantic Age Submitted to :- Smt. S. B. Gardi Department of English MKBU  The Second Creative Period of English Literature The first half of the nineteenth century records the triumph of Romanticism in literature and of democracy in government; and the two movements are so closely associated, in so many nations and in so many periods of cause and effect between them. Just as we understand the tremendous energizing influence of Puritanism in the matter of English liberty by remembering that the common people had begun to read ,and that their book was the Bible, so we may understand this age of popular government by remembering that the chief subject of romantic literature was the essential nobleness of comm

Moni Mohsin Sharmeen

Moni Mohsin Sharmeen in most of her works highlights the inequality with women which was prevailed in her society. She is aware from the current situation and what is needed in market. She doesn't highlight only of the suffering of women but she much aware about the facts that now a days feminism was in prevailing position and the voice in favour of feminism definitely discussed in society. These types of writers are inviting negative comments as for their publicity. There are many places where the writer try to show the reality. Many people not like Arvind Adiga because he shows the reality of India,bad side of India so people who liked to see the glory of their nation and not accept him.  The prime duty of any literary writer is to present the contemporary issues and pictures of nation. Everyone has the right to voice and freedom of expression. So, they are free to country. But many follower of ideology and political discourses try to banned this kind of harsh reality b

Rivers and Tides

Andy Golds worthy is a British Sculptur, photographer and environmentalist who produces site specific sculpture and land art situated in natural and urban setting. He don't use any particular tool to create his piece of art. He goes to the nature, finds something which is given by nature, and after making it back to the nature. He is working with time. He knows when the sea will touch his work. He knows after how many days the art will show up. With that understanding of time he creates something beautiful. He believes i flow, flow of everything. He also says that everything has fluidity. Here we are talking about his documentary, "River and Tides - Working with Time". With the passage of time this stone house is dissolved in river. Time is powerful and nothing is immortal. There is one poem by Shakespeare "Not Marble, Nor the Gilded Monuments" which deals with the theme of immortality through verse. The thought is about the futility of monuments and stat