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The Source Educational Evaluation Rubric

“Seer is a tool to open a discussion with students about evaluating sources and to stress the importance of using quality sources in academic writing. I think SEER is a brilliant idea that will help students become better writers”. -  Danielle Harris, teacher champion high school and a SEER field tester

Nowadays, students can use websites for reading materials. So it should evaluate by every students who used the online materials if it is authentic or not.


Turnitin worked with educators to develop The Source Educational Evaluation Rubric (SEER), an interactive rubric to analyze and grade the academic quality of internet sources used by students in their writing.

Instructors and students who use SEER can quickly evaluate a website and arrive at a single score based on five criteria scaled to credibility. Authority, Educational Value, Intent, Originality, and Quality.


 In authority we have to check about the author. We should check who wrote the page ? And if we call them. Also should check the purpose of author to write the page. And if the author is qualified to write this page. These things are very important in SEER.

Educational Value:- 

We should check about the educational value. If it is useful to readers or not. Education of author is also important thing. So first of all we should check about the educational qualification of the publisher.


 Is the site a well- respected source of content intended to inform users?


We should check about the originality of the website. It is very important thing in SEER.

We should check if the site is highly vetted with good coverage of the topical area.

Here, I gave some examples of SEER.


   It is a digital library for scholars , researchers and students which provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books and primary sources in 75 disciplines by scholars so for the authority this site deserves 4 ,for educational value this site deserves 4 because the site content help advance educational goals of the students, for intent , originality and quality this site deserves 4 point because this site is a well respected source of content intended to inform users ,This site provides source of original content by scholars and this site is highly vetted with good coverage of the topical area.

Poetryfoundation :-

        It is a non-subscription site that offers authored content and for authority this site  deserves 4,for educational value this site deserves 4 because  one can find  poems of scholar poets  in just one click  and it helps to achieve advance educational goals, for quality  this site receives  4 because this site is highly vetted with good coverage of the topical area and for originality  this site gains  4 because it provides original content .

It's so easy to find information on most any topic on the Internet. Whether or not that information is reliable, up-to-date and unbiased is really the big question for anyone doing research on the web. Books, magazine, journal and newspaper articles have to meet stronger quality control standards, and it's usually not hard to figure out when something was published, who published it and if the information is reliable or not. It's not quite like that with information you find on the web. Anyone can create a Web site, and usually, there aren't standards to evaluate the quality and accuracy of the information. So that makes it even more important to take the time to make sure to critically examine the information and the website. Using 5 important critieria - Accuracy, Authority, Objectivity, Currency, and Coverage - can make wading through the mass of information less confusing, and, help you be a better consumer of information. 


Bibliography <>.


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