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Showing posts from January, 2020

Lok Milap

‌ આજે ગુજરાતી ભવન માં ખૂબ જ રસપ્રદ એવુ વ્યાખ્યાન યોજવા માં આવ્યું હતું જેમાં જુદા જુદા ભવન ના  ઘણા બધા વિદ્યાર્થીઓ તેમજ પ્રાધ્યાપકો એ હાજરી પુરાવી હતી. આ વ્યાખ્યાન એકંદરે સાહિત્ય એકાદમી દ્વારા મંજુર કરાયેલું હતું જેનું ટાઇટલ હતું "પ્રવાસી મંચ".અને આ વર્કશોપ માં મુખ્ય મહેમાન તરીકે "આરાધનાબેન ભટ્ટ" ઉપસ્થિત હતા. તેમજ ગુજરાતી સાહિત્ય માં ખૂબ જ જાણીતા અને મહારાજા કૃષ્ણકુમારસિંહજી ભાવનગર વિશ્વવિદ્યાલય માં અધ્યાપક તરીકે ફરજ બજાવી ચૂકેલ એવા "વિનોદભાઇ જોશી" પણ હાજર હતા જેનાથી સમગ્ર કાર્યક્રમ મા સોનેપે સુહાગા જેવો માહોલ પ્રસરી ગયો હતો.. ‌ ‌આ કાર્યક્રમ ની શરૂઆત મા સૌ પ્રથમ ગુજરાતી ભવન ના કાજલ બેન દ્વારા દુલાભાઇ નું  "આવકારો મીઠો આપજો" ગીત ગાયન થી કરવામાં આવેલી. ત્યારબાદ મહેન્દ્રભાઈ પરમાર જે ગુજરાતી ભવન ના હેડ છે તેમને આ કાર્યક્રમ અંગે ની પ્રાથમિક માહિતી આપેલી.જેમાં શીર્ષક "પ્રવાસ મંચ " નું મહત્વ સમજાવેલું અને એક વાકય બોલેલા... ‌ ‌" હું  તો નિત્ય પ્રવાસી...જ્યાં ચારણ રુકે ત્યાં કાશી..." ‌આ સંપૂર્ણ મહિનો લોકમિલાપ થી ઉજવામાં અવી ર

Girls from Yuvakatha BA studies

The story is about an eight year old Indian girl who is traveling with her pregnant mother and female siblings to her grandmother's house, and is told from the eight year old's perspective. The action of the story is pretty low-key: it tells with some detail about the rail journey of the family and the trouble the narrator gets into playing pranks on her siblings. Her mother is especially irritable; in addition to looking after three children and managing a difficult rail trip, she is pregnant with her fourth child, which she fervently hopes will be a boy. This introduces the main thematic element of the story, which is the devaluation of women in Hindi society. Although the narrator is only eight, it is apparent to her that she is considered a "pest" primarily because of her sex. For her part, the mother scolds the narrator because she too must "bend" to accommodate the males -- the mother's subjugation is explicitly sexual, in that she must cont

Harry Potter WebQuest

Harry Potter WebQuest               Hello Readers! A Webquest is meant to understand how a single text can be studied through various perspectives. So, as a part of our curriculum, me and my friends have attempted to create a webquest on the Harry Potter series. You can read and also evaluate and comment under the blog, your opinions on the work. Harry Potter has been with us since so long. But do you think it is just another fairytale in children’s fiction? Or Is it more than that? Well, studies suggest it is much more than just children’s fiction. Go through the webquest to find out how. Harry Potter web quest is the part of our activity that we have to find some article and from that we have to put the arguments based on the movie or novel, and we have also prove that by giving relevant examples from movie or book. This task given by  Dr.Dilip Barad . We have done this task in a group and our group members are Ruchita Kankrecha, Rajdip Gohel, Krishna Patel, Prakruti

Cultural Studies by Kalyani Vallath

As we all know that now  Cultural Studies  is also a part of  NET   SET  exams so our department had organised a very fruitful session on  Cultural Studies  by  Dr Kalyani Vallath . She is very enthusiastic and very energetic. She has a different level of knowledge. We came to know about what is Cultural Studies? Cultural studies is the study about all common people and also about us. It is also study about popular literature. It is a wider approach. Maam gave so many examples to explain Cultural Studies from around our routine life.  We also learned very well about founders of Cultural Studies. Madam explained many theories and concepts about Cultural Studies like :   The begginings ,   Frankfurt school ,   Critical theory ,  Hegallian Dialectical Method ,  Dialectic of Enlightenment ,   Culture Industry ,   New left   Queer theory , and many others.   She gave many examples from her real life which I never forget it. She told about her travelling experie

The White Tiger

1.     How far do you agree with the India represented in the novel The White Tiger? Yes, I am agree with the India represented in the novel The White Tiger. We can find that Adiga tried to represent the reality of India in the novel The White Tiger. Reality of India like: poverty, corruptions, illiteracy ,etc. we can find the darker side of India rather than bright side in this novel, though on that time the time of developing was started. But Adiga tried to show the darker side of India. And we can also say that the reality of India which is shown by Adiga in his novel still now we can see. 2.     Do you believe that Balram’s story is the archetype of all stories of “Rags to riches”? In this story we can see that first Balram wasa very poor but at the end of the novel he became very rich person. Same things we can find in the real life, a poor person became very rich man who faced poverty, insulting, starving in their childhood period. So I can