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Hamlet's Task

1)  How faithful is the movie to the original play?
  • Hamlet by Kenneth Branagh is faithful to the original play.Because in this movie, the director Kenneth Branagh, follows every scene and sequence of the real play. He was add some scenes which is not in the play. But also we can say that some extent it is not faithful.
 2) After watching the movie,have yor perception about the play,character or situations changed?
  • Yes, I have some perception about some characters are changed at the same point. Ophelia is powerfully portrayed in the movie. When I read the play I think that Gertrude is not happy because of King Hamlet's death but when I was watched the movie,I saw that Gertrude is more happy with Claudius and she has no pain in her life?
 3) Do you feel 'aesthetic delight' while watching the movie? If yes,exactly when did it happen? If no, can you explain with reasons?
  • Yes sir, I feel aesthetic delight while watching the movie. In the very first scene when Hamlet's Ghost and Hamlet conversation. When Hamlet was died his words are given me aesthetic delight,"The rest is silence". Hamlet's grave scene in the movie,it's gave me delight.
 4) Do you feel 'catharsis' while or after watching movie? If yes,exactly when did it happen? If no, can youexplain with reasons?
  • Yes, I can feel 'Catharsis' after watching movie. we can feel pity,love,fear,anger,hate,sympathy. For some characters. We can feel pity for Ophelia when Hamlet behave very very rude withher in the mirror scene.
 5) Does screening of movie help you in better understanding of the play?
  • Yes, movie screening is help me a lot for better understanding. Movie can clear our all confusion. It gives a clear picture of every character. While reading we can not imagine the particular behaviour of character.
 6) Was there any particular scene or moment in the mivie that you will cherish lifetime?
  • Yes, I would prefer a key to remember the scene of Ophelia and her brother are very friendly with each other. When Hamlet knew that his lover Ophelia was died he did not tolerate it and his emotions for Ophelia were seen in the grave digging scene. His emotions touched my heart.
 7) If you are director,what changes would you like to make in the remarking of movie on Shakespeare's 'Hamlet'?
  • If I were a director of this movie 'Hamlet', I will chane the character of Ophelia.
 8) In the beginning of the movie, camere rolls over the statue of king Hamlet out side the Elsinor castle. The movie ends with the similar sequence wherein the statue of the king Hamlet is hammered down to the dust. What sort of symbolism do you read in this?
  • In the beginning we can see the statue of king Hamlet,we can feel all is good in Denmark. But because of revenge of king Hamlet, tragedy is taken a place in the play. Every person were died. In the end, statue of king Hamlet was broken down. Here, Kenneth Branagh signifies that revenge has never fruitful.
 9) While studyingthe play through movie which approach do you find more applicable to the play? Why? Give reasons with illustrations.
  • While studying the play through mivie I found feminist approach is more applicable. I found that Gertrude is being loved by king Hamlet as well as Claudius. Both the men treats her very well, but on other side Hamlet who seems as misogynist use abusing words not only for his lover Ophelia but his mother remarried after the death of king Hamlet immediately. Every women have right to choose her life partner. Every women have right to live life as the way she wants to live.


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