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Showing posts from November, 2018

Edmund Spencer

     Edmund Spencer  Edmund Spenser was born in London in the year 1552 or 1553. Little is known about his family or his childhood, except that he received a scholarship to attend the Merchant Taylor School, where he likely studied Latin and Greek. He went on to study literature and religion at Cambridge University’s Pembroke Hall, receiving a BA in 1573 and an MA in 1576. Spenser published his first volume of poetry,  The Shepheardes Calender  (Hugh Singleton), in 1579, dedicating it to the poet  Sir Philip Sidney . He was also the author of  The Faerie Queene  (William Ponsonby, 1596), a major English epic, and  Amoretti   and Epithalamion  (William Ponsonby, 1595), a sonnet sequence dedicated to his second wife, Elizabeth Boyle. Alongside his poetry, Spenser pursued a career in politics, serving as a secretary first for the Bishop of Rochester and then for the Earl of Leicester, who introduced him to other poets and artists in Queen Elizabeth’s court. In 1580, he was appo

Mario Vargas Llosa

Mario Vargas  Born: 28 March 1936,Arequipa, Peru Prize motivation : "For his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual's resistance , revolt,  and defeat".  Life Mario Vargas Llosa was born into a middle-class family in Arequipa, Peru. His parents divorced when he was young, and he grew up with his mother and maternal grandparents in Bolivia, where his grandfather worked as a consular officer. Mario Vargas Llosa developed an interest in poetry at an early age, which was a source of worry for his father, who enrolled him in a military academy. Nevertheless, he followed his literary instincts and became a writer. He was also politically active and ran as a candidate in the Peruvian presidential election of 1990. Nowadays he spends most of his time in Madrid, but also lives in Peru. He has three children. Work In the 1960s, Latin American literature experienced rapid development that has come to be called "El

Lagaan film screening

        Our University has organised "Aishvaryam Youth Festival 2018" for 3 days from 26/10/2018 to 28/10/2018. Many events were organised in the youth festival. They are:  Kalayatra, Quiz, poetry recitation, on the spot painting, mimicry, bhajan, cartooning, paper collage, mono acting, sugam geet, folk dance, solo folk dance, western dance, western solo dance, folk orchestra, essay writing, elocution, rangoli...etc,.                            A month ago, all the students started their preparation for youth festival. There were many rules of youth festival. All the participates got their own identity card.              I could not attend all events. Because I was presented at our department as a volunteer. Quiz and Essay writing competitions were organised at our department. On 26 October, the first round of Quiz was stared. On 27 October, the final round of quiz and essay writing were organised. The time of final round of quiz was at 9:00 a.m

The Biographia Literaria- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The Biographia Literaria- Samuel Taylor Coleridge     Samuel Taylor Coleridge (born October 21,1772,Ottery St. Mary, Devonshire , England -died July, 25,1834,Highgate, near London ) , English Lyrical poet,  critic and philosopher.  His Lyrical Ballads,  written with William Words worth , heralded the English Romantic movement,  and his Biographia Literaria (1817) is the most significant work of general literary criticism produced in the English Romantic period . 1) write in your words the difference between poem and prose. Answer)   It is very difficult to differentiate between poem and prose. We can see that metre or rhyme or both is used in a poem . But they are not used in prose composition .             Poem's purpose is the communication of pleasure . But prose's purpose is the communication of truth . A poem must be an organic unity. But a poem can not please us if there is no organic unity. The main aim of poetry is to give pleasure . The language of poem is h

Paradise Lost

Introduction :-       Paradise Lost , Epic poem in blank verse,  one of the late works by John Milton, originally issued in 10 books in 1667 and, with books 7 and 10 each split into two parts , published in 12 books in the second edition of 1674.       Many scholars consider Paradise Lost to be one of the greatest poems in the English language . It tells the biblical story of the fall from grace of Adam and Eve in language that is a supreme achievement of rhythm and sound . The 12 books structure , the technique of beginning in medias res, the invocation of the muse, and the use of the Epic question are all classically inspired. The subject matter , however , is distinctly Christian .  Summary : With Raphael’s departure for Heaven, the story no longer consists of conversations between heavenly beings and humankind. Milton explains that he must now turn to Adam and Eve’s actual act of disobedience. The poem must now turn tragic, and Milton asserts his intention to s

Paper - 4 Subaltern theory in 'The Purpose'

Topic: - Subaltern theory in ‘The Purpose’ Name: - Krishna K. Patel Course: - M.A. English Semester: - 1 Batch: - 2018 -2020 Roll no:-20 Enrolment no.: - 2069108420190035 Submitted to: - Smt. S.B. Gardi Dept. of English MKBU Email id: - Paper no.: - 4 Indian Writing in English Introduction of T.P. Kailasam: -        Full name of T.P. Kailasam is Thanjavur Paramasiva Kailasam. He was born on 29 July 1886 in Mysore, India and died on 1946 in Bangalore, India. He was Tamil. He had a good education, he studied geology in London. Then he joined government geology service, he also wrote play and also worked in local theater. He spent 10 years in place he called ‘Nook’ it was dirty place, but Kailasam wrote many plays in there. He wrote plays like: 1) The Burden (1933) 2) Fulfillment (1933) 3) The Purpose (1944) 4) Karna: The Brahmin’s curse (1940) 5 ) Keechak (1949)                 He wrote in English also. He was considered

Paper - 3 Plato's Objection

Topic: Plato’s Objection Name: Krishna K. Patel Course: M.A. English Semester: 1 Batch: 2018 – 2020 Roll no:-20 Enrolment no.: 2069108420190035 Email Id: Paper no.: 3 Literary Theory & Criticism Submitted to: Smt. S. B. Gardi Dept. of English MKBU Introduction:      Plato was born about 429 BC, close to the time when pericles. In 510 BC a man named Cleisthenes, who was an aristocrat in Athens, invented another new type of government, the democracy. Plato was born in Athens, to a very rich and powerful family. Many of his relatives were involved with Athenian politics though Plato himself was not. Plato belongs to an age of inquiry and as such Plato’s chief interest was philosophical investigation which form the subjects of his great works in form of dialogues. According to Plato, all arts are imitative or mimetic in nature. He wrote in ‘The republic’ that ideas are the ultimate reality. Things are conceived as ideas before they take practi

Paper - 2 Gulliver’s Travels as dystopia

Topic: Gulliver’s Travels as a dystopia Name: Krishna K. Patel Course: M.A. English Semester: 1 Paper no.: 2 The Neo-Classical Literature Batch: 2018 -2020 Roll no:- 20 Enrolment no.: 2069108420190035 Email id: Paper no.: 2 The Neo-Classical Literature Submitted to: Smt. Gardi Dept. of English MKBU Introduction:                 When dealing with utopian literature one always comes across Thomas More who founded the neologism ‘Utopia’ in 1516. His Work De optimo rei publicae statue deque nova insula Utopia is about an island that is excluded from its surroundings and has a full self-supply. It is considered to be the pioneer of utopian literature as genre. The term ‘Utopia’ derived from Greek ou-topos and means “no place” or eu-topos “good place”. This genre generally offers an idealized state where harmony and entire satisfaction are omnipresent, which is considered to represent a counter- image of the historical reality of the author’s times. Utopia rep