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The Biographia Literaria- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The Biographia Literaria- Samuel Taylor Coleridge 

   Samuel Taylor Coleridge (born October 21,1772,Ottery St. Mary, Devonshire , England -died July, 25,1834,Highgate, near London ) , English Lyrical poet,  critic and philosopher.  His Lyrical Ballads,  written with William Words worth , heralded the English Romantic movement,  and his Biographia Literaria (1817) is the most significant work of general literary criticism produced in the English Romantic period .

1) write in your words the difference between poem and prose.
Answer)   It is very difficult to differentiate between poem and prose. We can see that metre or rhyme or both is used in a poem . But they are not used in prose composition .
            Poem's purpose is the communication of pleasure . But prose's purpose is the communication of truth . A poem must be an organic unity. But a poem can not please us if there is no organic unity. The main aim of poetry is to give pleasure . The language of poem is highly ornamental and complexity of words. While in the prose, the language is very simple and we do not find a use of rhyme and meter like poem. Prose has natural form of writing . It is very simple . In poem, it has structured form and also it is decorated by the poet. Poetry express ideas and feelings in few words which are more attractive and prose express ideas and feelings with lots of words . And sometimes , they are not more attractive as poetry has.

Because I could not stop for death

Because I could not stop for death -
He kindly stopped for me-
The Carriage held but just Ourselves -
And Immortality .

We slowly droves- He knew no haste
And I had put away
My labor and my leisure too,
For His Civility-

We passed the school, where Children strove
At Recess- in the Ring-
We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain -
We pssed the Setting Sun-

Or rather- He passed us-
The Dews drew quivering and chill-
For only Gossamer, my Gown-
My Tppet- only Tulle-

We passed before a House that seemed
A swelling of the Ground -
The roof was scarcely visible-
The cornice - in the Ground-

Since then  - tis Centuries - and yet
Feels shorter than the Day
I first surmised the Horses' Heads
Were towards Eternity -

2)   Difference between poem and poetry .

Answer )   Poetry is a wider term than a poem. Poem is different than prose while poetrh could be a part of prose. Poem gives pleasure . Meter or rhyme or both is used in a poem. While poetry gives an aesthetic delight . We can say that it is an activity of poet's mind. Through poem, poet express their ideas and feelings . So, it is merely a form of verbal expression of poet's mind . 


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