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Frankenstein - Book Review




                                                                              Mary Shelley

                                                                        First Published: 2007

                                                                         Reprinted: 2009

                                                                             Published by

                                                               Dhingra Publishing House

                                                                        Printed at

                                                                   Dhingra Art Press

                                                                     (Delhi - 110 092)  

    Frankenstein by Mary Shelly

      (Illustrated Classics Series) 

         Mary Shelley was born on August, 30,1797. Her mother died immediately after giving birth to her. Mary married the poet P.B.Shelley in 1814. In 1816, the Shelleys visited Lord Byron on Lake Geneva. It was here that Mary got the idea for writing her novel, Frankenstein. This book made her famous. Mary , however, always remained in need of novels. She wrote novels, articles, poems, and short stories. In 1826, The Last man was published. Mary Shelley died in 1851.

  In this book there are 26 chapters. The language is used very simple in this book. This book creates more interest by giving pictures. The pictures are very attracted. There are 222 pages in this book. I read this book twice in a day.

   Frankenstein is an old classic about a scientist who creates a monster. Victor Frankenstein is a hard working young man. He discovers how to give life to an inanimate body and uses his knowledge to create a man monster.

    I liked the chapters in the story that were narrated by the monster. we can see that Victor Frankenstein was arrogant and self-righteous. This book is very heart touching, it is not horror story. The story was exceptionally well told and the writing definitely brings it to life. It's hard to believe that it came from the imagination of a 19 years old girl writing in 1818.


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