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Showing posts from August, 2019

The Old man and the sea

1) can you mark a critical phase of your life? Yes,I had faced a critical phase in my life when I was in 12th. When I was appearing in board examination there was a boy who followed me. And he created some problems in my life. 2) Do you have any such person whom you recall in the crisis? Yes, my grandfather. I want him recall in the crisis. 3) What is the importance of that person?  Why? My grandfather is my ideal.  He is very important for me. Because he daily gave the suggestion or some instructions for any problems. 4) What is the importance of dream of lions in the novel? Santiago associates the lions with his youth. It suggests a circular nature of life. In his dreams he imagines the lions, fierce predators, playing which suggests harmony between the opposing forces - life and death, love and hate, destruction and regeneration.  5) Do you have any such scene or image you frequently like to  visit?  6) What is the reason of your obsession for that scene? 

Sairandhri - Vinod Joshi

Vinod Joshi is a postmodern Gujarati poet, writer and critic from Gujarat, India. His notable works include Parantu,  a collection of Geets,  Shikhandi,  a long narrative poem based on Shikhandi,  a character from the Mahabharata,  Radio Natak: Swarup and Siddhant, Tandil -  tundika,  a form of padyatra,  a Gujarati Medieval literary genre and Zalar Vage Zoothadi,  a collection of poems. He is the recipient of the Jayant Pathak Puraska, critic's Award, Kavishwar Dalpatram Award, Sahitya Gaurav Puraskar, Narsinh Mehta Award and Kalapi Award. Recently Vinod Joshi's work is Sairandhri in Australia. Sairandhri based on the character of Draupadi from Mahabharata.  We can find the major theme of this poem is Lost Identity. He mentioned Virat Parva from Mahabharata in this poem. And write it in his own way. Sairandhri has no power  to ahow her identity. The poet created a chaos in thia poem because Sairandhri lost her identity. He also mentioned that the language

Teaching of Balaji Rangannathan - Postcolonial Studies

On 19 August  to 21 August we had guest lectures on Postcolonial studies by Balaji Ranganathan. Dilip Barad sir also gave some pre lectures on Post colonial studies before the lectures of Balaji sir. We have 4 units in Postcolonial Studies: Black skin white mask Imaginary Homeland Orientalism A Tempest Sir started the first lecture with the first unit Black skin White mask by Frantz Fanon. This unit is divided in 7 chepters: The Negro and Language The woman of Colour and White man The man of colour and White woman The so-called dependency complex of the colonized The lived experience of the Black man The black man and psychology The black man and Recognition In first chapter talked about I ascribed a basic importance to the phenomenon of language. That is why I find it necessary to begin with this subject, which should provide us with one of the elements in the colored man’s comprehension of the dimension of the others. For it is im

Methods of English Teaching

Methods of English Language Teaching The Grammar Translation Method The direct Method The Audio Lingual Method Total Physical Response and Suggestopedia The Silent Way The Grammar Translation Method This is the oldest and traditional method of teaching English. Especially in India, this method is used as English is taught as Second language. The structure of a foreign language is best learnt when compared and contrasted with the mother tongue. The Direct Method Direct method is the method through which students learn to communicate in the target language and not involving L1 in the language learning process. This method is also known as Natural Method; because the characteristics we observe in language teaching is similar to acquisition of L1, but it was very difficult to bring exact environment in which L1 is acquired. The Audio Lingual Method The Audio Lingual method is used to improve communicative competence in le

Movie reviews - post colonialism

The Black Prince The Black Prince is a 2017 international historical drama film directed by Kavi Raz and featuring the acting debut of Satinder Sartaaj. It tells the story of Duleep Singh, the last Maharajah of the Sikh Empire and the Punjab area, and his relationship with Queen Victoria. This movie talked about two cultures. Duleep Singh torn between two cultures and facing constant dilemmas as a result. The relationship between Duleep singh and Queen Victoria is shown very impactful. The Queen representing the English culture he was drawn into. Maharaja Duleep Singh is placed on the throne at the age of five. In 1849, the young prince was removed from the throne and separated from his mother. Dr. John Login protected him. Duleep Singh met Queen Victoria at England at the age of 15. They developed their relationships . Duleep Sing met to his mother and reestablished the relationship. Then he decided to return to India to reclaim his kingdom. But it was continually thwarted by

Now and Then- Colonialism_Postcolonialism and imperialism

Colonialism :- Colonialism is the practice of establishing territorial dominion over a colony by an outside political power characterized by exploitation, expansion, and maintenance of that territory. The indigenous people suffer in the hands of the colonizer where they are subjected to hard labor and restriction in trading Post colonialism :- a theoretical approach in various disciplines that is concerned with the lasting impact of colonization in former colonies. Imperialism :- a political system in which a rich and powerful country controls other countries (colonies) which are not as rich and powerful as itself Now and then:- There are still many parts in the world which are colonised. The United States of America has a program which is called "United Nations list of Non-Self-Governing Territories". The United Nations list of Non-Self-Governing Territories is a list of places that deems to be "non-self-governing" and subject to the deco

Shashi Tharoor

Shashi Tharoor is an Indian politician writer and a former career international diplomat who is currently service as member of parliament , Lok Sabha from Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala since 2009. He also serves as chairman of the parliamentary standing committee on External Affairs and All Indian professionals congress. An Era of Darkness Tharoor published his book An Era of Darkness .in this book, he talked about what Britishers done in India. He talked about Britishers in his interview. He focused on Britishers and observed them and then he wrote about Britishers. He represented the reality of the Britishers as well as Indians.  The British rule was good for India, is a common arguments put forth by apologists for the Raj, both in India and elsewhere. British colonialism and its effects and consequences are examined in great details. It is true that the British left one of the leading economies of the world when they took control of the country. He focused on religion,


1. What is Orientalism? According to Said, Orientalism is not an imagination. But it is material thing and genuine theory. Orientalism revolutionalised the study of middle East and also useful to study post colonialism and other disciplines like history, Anthropology, Political Science and Culture Studies. People and Religion We had a preconceived notion of what kind of people lived there, what they believed,  how they act and also we can understand the concept of colored peoples. Here, Said is Talking about the Eastern world like Palestine, Egypt and their condition after colonialism. We can see the condition of Palestinian  after the occupation of Jew people, they immigrated from their homeland to other countries because of Forcefully occupation of Israel. So, we can understand the concept of "Imaginary Homeland" through Palestinian. Said talked about stereo type Eastern countries in this interview. He told that America always looked at Eastern countries as 

To The Light house

Virginia Woolf was known for her experimental writing style-stream of consciousness. This novel remains as her autobiographical novel. This novel covers one family but talks about the general family and that family is Ramsay’s Family. 1. How can you explain that 'what' Virginia Woolf wanted to say (for example, the complexity of human relationship, the everyday battles that people are at in their relationship with near and dear ones, the struggle of a female artist against the values of middle/upper class society etc) can only be said in the way she has said? (Key: The 'How' of the narrative technique is to be discussed along with features of Stream of Consciousness technique which helps Woolf to put in effective manner what she experienced in abstractions.) = V irginia Woolf talked about the routine life. People cannot pay their attention on those things. We can see the character of Mrs.Ramsay who was always in struggle with her husband Mr. Ramsay and her c