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Oedipus Rex by Sphocles (Based on B.A. text)

In classical Greek tradition, it was considered important to maintain the unities of time , place and action which meant that the plot did not alter in time but followed a linear pattern. The place of action did not change with the development of the plot and neither did the action alter. If the play was a tragedy, the action of the play was serious and tragic. Comic interludes were excluded from the play. Plot in the Greek tragedy had a set pattern which can be seen in ‘Oedipus Rex’ by Sophocles. The play opens with a prologue, which is in the form of a dialogue.  In the prologue the protagonist lays down the statement for the rest of the play to proceed. In the prologue of ‘Oedipus Rex’, all the necessary details about Laios’s murder are presented. These details work as promises for the further development of the plot. The prologue ends with a choral ode called parodos. The prologue is followed by the exposition. In this act, the protagonist repeats the statement from the prologue. This statement is developed and explained by him in the speech with the plot takes on a different turn. In Oedipus rex the old prophet Tiresias’s arrival and his revelations about Oedipus’s birth and life serve this purpose. Besides, other important things, such as the importance of prophecies and qualities of an other important things, such as the importance of prophecies and qualities of an ideal ruler are introduced in this act. The exposition is followed by the second act.

This marks the rise of action in the play. This is the longest act and is divided into three scenes : the confrontation between Oedipus and Creon, the intervention and persuading by Jocasta and the dialogue between Oedipus and Jocasta .

This is an Act of high drama as the action reaches its peak. However, the climax is suspended as this act ends with a choral ode called stasimon -2. The third act or climax follows the second act of high action. In this act all the questions raised in the previous act find solution. The mystery of Oedipus’ life is solved in the play, reaches its climax and the tragedy is complete. In stasimon – 3 which ends the third scene, the chorus comments on Oedipus’ fate.

The final scene or the exodus of the play represents the outcome of the tragedy. The queen commits suicide and the devastated Oedipus blinds himself. These acts are not performed on the stage but narrated by a messenger. Finally, the blind Oedipus appears on the stage and a long lyrical dialogues between the chorus and Oedipus is presented. This dialogue is a lament song, a long dialogue between Creon and Oedipus marks the conclusion of the play. Oedipus leaves as a broken men. All eyes are now resting on Creon and the citizens of Thebes hope to see an ideal king in him. Thus, the entire plot of the play is divided into the prologue, exposition, rising action, climax and exodus. It is true that Oedipus rex is considered par excellence and it is not only the masterpiece of Sophocles but also the best tragedy of Greek literature. It provided the model of the classic tragedy to Aristotle. In other words, the plot structure of Oedipus Rex anticipates all the norms of the tragedy. It holds a compact plot structure in which all the three unities cherished by Aristotle are strictly observed. In the text of the play, we find no comic reference, as the tragic mood dominates the entire text. Unlike the Elizabth tragedy, Oedipus Rex is not divided into several Acts and Acts into scenes.

Instead , we come across the Chorus from time to time through out the text. Whenever the chorus is introduced, we find the new scene on the stage. Moreover, action of Oedipus suits to the plot structure of the play. It means all the events projected in the play are related to the relationship between the two is inevitable. The plot structure of Oedipus Rex is a complex one because the mystery of the birth of Oedipus is exposed systematically along with the development of the plot.

Sophocles has reduced the size of the chorus to make the plot compact and the violence on the stage is avoided through the reporting done by the messenger. The plot structure of Oedipus Rex is a concrete one. It has beginning, middle and end.


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