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One night @ the Call Center

Chetan Bhagat is an Indian author, columnist, screenwriter, television personality and motivational speaker, know for his Indian English novels about young urban middle class Indians. 


1 Five point someone 
2. One night @the call centre 
3. The 3 mistakes of my life
4. 2 states
5. Revolution 
6. Half Girlfriend 
7. One Indian Girl 
8. The girl in the room 105

One night @the call centre is written by Chetan Bhagat. There are 6 employees (Priyanka, Shyam, Vroom, Esha, Radhika, Military Uncle) who working in the Connexions call center in Gurgaon Haryana. The whole book told about the story of one night. All characters are sad or confused in their own life. Radhika is upset with her husband and mother in law on that night. She is cheated by her husband. Esha is also guilty because she slept with men for her ambition. Priyanka is cheated by Ganesh. Vroom and Shyam also created by Bakshi. Military uncle is upset because he left his family(he couldn't accept modern ideas). The story takes a drama and decisive turn through a literal deus ex machina when the employees get a phone call from god. In the beginning, we can see that the novel is started with the journey from Kanpur to Delhi. A beautiful girl met to author and told the whole story with a condition that he has to make it his second book. 

As we all know that Chetanbhagat is very popular author. He used very simple language in his books. I read this book with a single sitting. I completed this book in a day. He tried to show the problems of young generation. The book is very interesting  and not a bulky book.

Mannepean Satire

The genre of Menippean Satire is a form of satire,  usually in prose, which has a length and structure similar to a novel and is characterized by attacking mental attitudes rather than specific individuals or entities. Other features found in Menippean satire are different form of parody and mythological burlesque a critique of the myths inherited from traditional culture, a rhapsodic nature, a fragmented narrative, the combination of many between styles and points of view.

Bhaktin’s Theory

Menippean satire plays a special role in Mikhail Bhaktin’s theory of the novel. In problems of  Dostoevsky’s Poetics, Bhaktin treats Menippean satire as one of the classical “serio – comic” genres, alongside Socratic dialogue and other forms that Bhaktin  claims are united by “Carnival is the past millennia’s way of sensing the world as one great communal performance.” And is “permeated with the pathos of change and the joyful relativity of all things.”

In a series of articles, Edward Milowicki and Robert Rawdon Wilson, building upon Bhaktin’s theory, have argued that Menippean is not a period specific term, as many classicists have claimed, but a term for discursive analysis that instructively applies to many kinds of writing form many historical periods including the modern. As a type of discurse menippean signifies a mixed, often discontinuous way of writing that draws upon distinct, multiple traditions. It is normally highly intellectual and typically embodies an idea, an ideology or a mind set in the figure of a grotesque even disgusting, comic character. The power of very physical images to satirize, or otherwise comment upon, ideas lies at the heart of Menippean satire.

Frye’s Definition:-

Critic Northrop Frye said that Menippean satire moves rapidly between styles and points of view. Such satire deals less with human characters than with the single minded mental attitudes, or humours, that they represent: the pedant, the braggart, the bigot, the miser, the quack, the seducer, etc. Fry observed, “ The novelist sees evil and folly as social diseases, but the Menippean of the intellect.”

Menippean satire is a form of satire, usually in prose, which has a length and structure similar to a novel. Mannepean Satire is a seriocomic genre. In the novel we find that these characters suffer from the problems in their life. In this novel Bhagat represent the idea of bossism that the boss of call centre who has a power over these six characters. And God making a call, Marriage of two different characters Radhika and Priyanka. 

Priyanka has problem with her mother that she tries to be free from the restrictions that was leads towards The Menippean satire where profession is important than the family so we can say that , time of modernization and globalization, because of that, some traditional ideas are satirized.

Vroom has written an article when he was working in some magazine that why don’t politician ever commit suicide? There is indirect satire on the political institution. That our nation is run by the people who don’t feel anything . When Vroom has printed this article, at that time he was question on media that they don’t focus on real situation of political society.

Self help Book

Nowadays, there is a trend of self help books in the society. Self help books are written with the intention to instruct readers on a number of personal problems. They take their name from self help, but are also known and classified under “self- improvement”, a term that is a modernized version of self help. Self help books also focus on popular psychology such as romantic relationships, or aspects of the mind and human behavior which believers in self help feel can be controlled with effort. Self help books typically advertise themselves as being able to increase self awareness and performance , including satisfaction with one’s life.


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