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Showing posts from December, 2019


Vocabulary Useful for routine life. Also useful for KG's teachers. For example :  indoor task based test. Body parts, food kitchens, etc. And  it is helpful for basic outdoor lessons. Business English Episode based learning by audio and transcript resources. It helps in building all the skills related to business. It is explained by many examples like presentation. There are some excercise for business vocabulary. There are also discussion excercise and tasks based learning. Videos are also helo for building marketing skills anf management. This helps in organising flexible meetings. This is for pre intermediate. There are level A2-B1 given. It is useful for learning language and checking E-mails for business. Each unit has interactive excercises to help you understand and use the language of business. General English In this unit we have audio, video, magazines and stories and games for developing basic English. LSRW skills are developed. After developing all the skill

Elaine Showalter

Elaine Showalter was born in 1941 and has worked as a professor of English at Princeton University. Her book  ‘A Literature of their Own : British women novelists from Bronte to Lessing’ quickly established itself as an authoritative study in the field of women’s study. Contemporary feminist criticism obviously derived its original impetus from the women’s liberation movement of the late 1960s. Mary Elman’s ‘Thinking about women’ and Kate Millet’s ‘Sexual Politics’ are pioneering books in this respect. Showalter’s work was a major contribution to this project. Showalter’s article ‘Feminist criticism in the Wilderness’ was first published in ‘Critical Inquiry’ in 1981. She finds feminist criticism no more unified but more adventures in assimilating and engaging with theory. The article was reprinted from the book ‘ The New Feminist Criticism’ edited by Showalter. In the beginning of the article, Showalter talks about two modes of feminist literary criticism. The first is right

Emma by Jane Austen (BA)

Emma is a novel of courtship and social manners. The majority of the book focuses on the question of marriage: who will marry whom and for what reasons will they marry : love, practicality, or necessity? At the centre of the narration is the title character, Emma Woodhouse , a heiress who lives with her widowed father at their estate, Hartfield. Noted for her beauty and cleverness, Emma is somewhat wasted in the small village of Highbury   but takes a great deal of pride in her matchmaking skills. Unique among other women her age, she has no particular need to marry : she is in the unique situation of not needing a husband to supply her fortune. Before she began the novel, Austen wrote, “I am going to take a heroine whom no one but myself will much like. In the first sentence, she introduces the title character as “Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich. Emma is spoiled, headstrong and itself satisfied; she greatly overestimates her own matchmaking abilities; she is blind

Book Review - One night @the call centre

I read #One_night_ @_the_call_centre book of #Chetan_Bhagat . #Chetan_Bhagat is an Indian author, columnist, screenwriter, television personality and motivational speaker, know for his Indian English novels about young urban middle class Indians. Novels: 1. #Five_point_someone 2. #One_night_at_the_call_centre 3. #The_3_mistakes_of_my_life 4. #2_States 5. #Revolution_2020 6. #Half_Girlfriend 7. #One_Indian_Girl 8. #The_Girl_in_Room_105 One night @the call centre is written by Chetan Bhagat. There are 6 employees (Priyanka, Shyam, Vroom, Esha, Radhika, Military Uncle) who working in the Connexions call center in Gurgaon Haryana. The whole book told about the story of one night. All characters are sad or confused in their own life. Radhika is upset with her husband and mother in law on that night. She is cheated by her husband. Esha is also guilty because she slept with men for her ambition. Priyanka is cheated by Ganesh. Vroom and Shyam also created by Bakshi.

W.H. Auden (BA)

Lullaby Wysten Huge Auden was born in York on 21st February, 1907, this mother was a nurse and his father was a doctor. He went to St. Edmand school in 1915 were he met cristopher Isher Wood.  Auden was also at christ church oxford from 1925 to 1928. He has travelled to many countries and his frequent  visit to foreign countries has given him a fruitful literary career. Auden's first volumes of poems was dedicated to Isher Wood, he visited Germany and it was hear he can to connect with Germany celebrates songs Rabe's poetry. Lay your sleeping head my love later and titled “Lullaby” is perhaps the best non– lyric of Auden. It was first published in 1937, and then included in the collected shorter poems, 1950. It’s theme is love. A conventional theme but it finds a fresh and original treatment. The poem opens in end of abrupt colloquial manner of the metaphysical and in a manner of John Donne. The Lyric is in the nature of a monologue “spoken by the lover”

Death, be not proud (BA)

Holy Sonnets: Death, be not proud BY  JOHN DONNE Death, be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so; For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me. From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be, Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow, And soonest our best men with thee do go, Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery. Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men, And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell, And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then? One short sleep past, we wake eternally And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die. Death be not proud is a 10th Holy sonnet by John Donne. He tries to nullify the fear of death in the present sonnet. The poem is addressed by the poet to death itself. The poet tells death not to be proud becaus

Christabel by S.T.Coleridge (BA)

Christabel is an unfinished gothic ballad written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. It was finished in two years: first part in 1797 and second part in 1800 which was published in 1816 Christabel; Kubla Khan, A Vision; The Pains of Sleep. The story of Christabel is about a central female character of a young lady named Christabel and her encounter with a stranger called Geraldine. She claims to have been kidnaped from her home by a band of rough men. Christabel is a lovely, innocent, young, and virtuous daughter of Sir Leoline. One night while praying in the woods for her fiancé, she was startled by another distress lady who called herself Geraldine. She further states that she was kidnapped by a gang and left to the jungle for an unknown reason. Geraldine says that she is the daughter of Lord Roland de Vaux, once a friend of Sir Leoline. The two men quarreled, had not spoken for years. She brings Geraldine to share her bed. Once in the bedroom, she puts a spell on poor, inno

Oedipus Rex by Sphocles (Based on B.A. text)

In classical Greek tradition, it was considered important to maintain the unities of time , place and action which meant that the plot did not alter in time but followed a linear pattern. The place of action did not change with the development of the plot and neither did the action alter. If the play was a tragedy, the action of the play was serious and tragic. Comic interludes were excluded from the play. Plot in the Greek tragedy had a set pattern which can be seen in ‘Oedipus Rex’ by Sophocles. The play opens with a prologue, which is in the form of a dialogue.   In the prologue the protagonist lays down the statement for the rest of the play to proceed. In the prologue of ‘Oedipus Rex’, all the necessary details about Laios’s murder are presented. These details work as promises for the further development of the plot. The prologue ends with a choral ode called parodos. The prologue is followed by the exposition. In this act, the protagonist repeats the statement from the pr

BA Study's blog of poem - Solitary Reaper by William Wordsworth

Solitary reaper BY  WILLIAM WORDSWORTH William Wordsworth was an English Romantic poet who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped to launch the Romantic Age in English Literature with their joint publication Lyrical Ballads. Behold her, single in the field, Yon solitary Highland Lass! Reaping and singing by herself; Stop here, or gently pass! Alone she cuts and binds the grain, And sings a melancholy strain; O listen! for the Vale profound Is overflowing with the sound. No Nightingale did ever chaunt More welcome notes to weary bands Of travellers in some shady haunt, Among Arabian sands: A voice so thrilling ne'er was heard In spring-time from the Cuckoo-bird, Breaking the silence of the seas Among the farthest Hebrides. Will no one tell me what she sings?— Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow For old, unhappy, far-off things, And battles long ago: Or is it some more humble lay, Familiar matter of to-day? S

One night @ the Call Center

Chetan Bhagat is an Indian author, columnist, screenwriter, television personality and motivational speaker, know for his Indian English novels about young urban middle class Indians.  Novels: 1 Five point someone  2. One night @the call centre  3. The 3 mistakes of my life 4. 2 states 5. Revolution  6. Half Girlfriend  7. One Indian Girl  8. The girl in the room 105 One night @the call centre is written by Chetan Bhagat. There are 6 employees (Priyanka, Shyam, Vroom, Esha, Radhika, Military Uncle) who working in the Connexions call center in Gurgaon Haryana. The whole book told about the story of one night. All characters are sad or confused in their own life. Radhika is upset with her husband and mother in law on that night. She is cheated by her husband. Esha is also guilty because she slept with men for her ambition. Priyanka is cheated by Ganesh. Vroom and Shyam also created by Bakshi. Military uncle is upset because he left his family(he couldn't

Journalism :- Feature writing and Lead writing

Feature Writing:- Feature writing has developed from being a marginal and subordinate supplement to news in newspapers to becoming a significant part of journalism on all platforms. It emerged as a key force driving the popularization and tabloidization of the press. The exigence is articulated through three characteristics that have dominated feature journalism from the very beginning : it is intimate, in the sense that it portrays people and milieus in close details and that it allows the journalist to be subjective and therefore intimate with his or her audience; it is literary in the sense that it is closely connected with the art of writing, narrative , storytelling, and worlds of fiction : and it is adventurous, in the sense that it takes the audiences on journeys to meet people and places that are interesting. A feature story is distinguished from other tapes of non fiction by the quality of the writing. Stories should be memorable for their reporting, c